Frequently Asked Questions
info & more
Here you will find more information about frequently asked questions. Go over these questions so that you may quickly get an answer to the question you had.

Is your platform free?
Our platform is completely free for the association, school, youth movement, federation, (sports) club, ...
Of course we also have costs and we therefore also need some income. We receive this because a small fee is added and collected each time a registration, ticket or webshop sale is made.
Would you like some more explanation about this?
We would be happy to show it during a demo and then you can see it all for yourself.
Where does the name Ordolio come from?
This was a long process. We have thought about this for a long time. We once started as a platform for youth movements, but we have long since outgrown this stage.
That is why we wanted a name that could appeal to federations, (sports) clubs, associations, organizations, youth movements, schools, etc.
Ordolio means:
“You can actually see it as a derivative of the following: Ordo comes from the Latin "order" or "rule" and Olio from the Italian "oil".
Meaning: "Structured/smoothed organization or community" which points to the various functions and possibilities that our platform offers to keep your club on track.”
Can I get a demo?
Yes of course!
This can be done very easily. On the 'Request a demo' page you can choose a day and time.
We will present the operation of the entire platform in 20 minutes.
Do you generate documents automatically?
Yes, we do! Our platform is equipped with the functionality to automatically generate reimbursement or mutuality certificates. And that's not all, because we have a link with BELCOTAX, which means you are compliant with the legislation. Parents no longer have to do anything manually and everything appears on their tax return.
Which association is your platform for?
We can help any association. Youth movements, sports associations, social cultural associations or schools, etc.
You can do member management, sell tickets with QR, create web shops for extra income, automatically create documents, ...
Would you like more information? Then be sure to request a demo.
Does Ordolio sell my data?
Ordolio NEVER sells your data!
Our business model is designed to be “privacy-friendly”. We earn our revenue through small transaction fees. We have no business reason to sell your data to third parties or for advertising purposes, and we aim to help as many organizations as possible. We fully understand that we are storing your sensitive data and protecting it is our highest priority.
In some specific instances, when data is shared with third parties (mostly for analytics), Ordolio ensures they don’t sell it either.
What if I already have members for my current registration period?
You can start using Ordolio at any time.
To experience the real power of Ordolio, your members must register with your association. When creating your association, you can choose to temporarily disable the membership fee so that members can register free of charge.
You can find how to do this in our Knowledge Base:
Good member relations and operational efficiency
When member relationships become secondary to operational efficiency, there’s good news: with Ordolio you can have it all.

Associations | Clubs

Federations | Organizations

Schools | Extracurricular
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